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Your Guide to Navigating Global Salary Budgets and Recruitment Costs in 2024πŸ’°

February 2, 2024

Welcome to Part 2 of Virtual Work World's Master Guide to Hiring Top Talent in 2024. In Part 1, we meticulously charted the course for strategically identifying your staffing needs in 2024. Now, as you prepare to set sail on the global hiring ship, it's time to tackle the next vital aspect of your journey: Navigating Global Salary Budgets and Recruitment Costs in 2024.Β 

Whether it's an in-house, remote, hybrid or offshore hire, you need to work through all of the nuances of this hire. Successfully navigating the global budgetary seas ensures a smooth voyage, from recruitment costs to salary considerations and overhead planning.

We understand that managing the budget can pose challenges, and it's crucial to establish a realistic financial plan aligned with your goals. Working with a tight staffing budget? Don't worry; we have some cost-effective tips for you to get your budget in place on your own!


Part 2: Charting Your Course: Tips for Recruitment Budget Success

Step 1: Define the Roles Needed‍

In the initial leg of your journey, you've already undertaken a crucial task – identifying the roles essential for your team. With this knowledge in hand, you're now poised to move forward!


Step 2: Define the Recruitment Goals

Clearly outline your recruitment objectives, such as the timeframe for sourcing, interviewing, assessments, background checks and any other recruitment tasks. Mapping this out on a Gantt chart can be very helpful in seeing the granular tasks, deadlines and accountability to have a full picture of the recruitment efforts.

Step 3: Research Market Rates

Whether it's local or offshore hire, in-house or remote, you need to understand the current market salary rates for the positions you're hiring for. Use this time also to consider any additional benefits or perks your company offers. Local hiring? A salary scale on platforms like Glassdoor or Indeed can guide you in navigating salaries. Opting for Offshore talent? We recommend using the salary scales on Plane.com or Deel for a comprehensive global perspective on salaries.

πŸ’‘Pro Tip: At Virtual Work World, we specialize in providing detailed budget and salary breakdowns for various countries, allowing you to compare costs comprehensively. Reach out to us for a personalized global cost analysis tailored to your specific hiring needs.

Step 4: Calculate any relevant Recruitment Costs

Dive deep into your budget by estimating various expenses:

  • Estimate Job Posting Expenses: Consider the cost of posting on various platforms, both online and offline, as well as social media advertising, job boards, industry-specific websites, and recruitment events.
  • Include Recruitment Agency Fees: If you plan to use external staffing agencies, consider their fees. These are typically up to 30% percent of the hired candidate's salary. At Virtual Work World we have a one-time flat fee for Global Staffing Solutions.
  • Factor in Technology Costs: Include expenses for applicant tracking systems (ATS), recruitment software, and other technology tools that can streamline the hiring process.
  • Account for Interview Expenses: Consider the time and cost involved in hosting interviews. This includes the hours spent by your team members in conducting interviews, especially if you bring in specialized interviewers. Factor in any travel costs for candidates if applicable.
  • Include Assessment Costs: Assessments are a crucial part of the hiring process, ensuring you find the right fit for your team. Take into account the expenses related to bespoke assessments, including the development of customized evaluation tools and any third-party assessment platforms you may utilize.
  • Account for Security Clearance and Background Checks: Consider the time and cost of getting verified professional character references, education credential verifications and criminal background checks for the candidates.Β 
  • Account for Compliance & Contracts: Factor in the legal cost of preparing thorough contracts and protecting IP, inclusive of NDA. Also, any additional paperwork, offer letters, pension setup, and health insurance paperwork. If you're hiring Offshore, compliance is key! Ensure you have the proper guidance to have compliant international agreements to protect your business from employment misclassification and IRS fines.Β 
  • Include Training and Onboarding Costs: Include costs associated with new employee orientation, training programs, and onboarding materials.
  • Consider Miscellaneous Expenses: Factor in any unforeseen or miscellaneous expenses that may arise during the recruitment process.
πŸ’‘Pro Tip: Hire a one-stop shop Recruitment Agency to manage all of the staffing efforts efficiently. At Virtual Work World, we specialize in executing all of the steps above, significantly impacting the quality of your hires, aligning them with your budget requirements and giving you time back.


Step 5: Determine Recruitment Timeline

Build a detailed timeline based on your recruitment goals, the associated costs and the intricacies of the hiring process. Break down the recruitment process into stages and estimate the costs for each stage. Additionally, define your interview process comprehensively. Consider the number of interviews, stages of interviews and people involved in the interview process, such as team members, partners, and advisors. Identify the decision-makers in the process.

For example:Β 


Sourcing Process: ‍

  • Identifying Role: 1 day
  • Drafting JD & Sharing with other team members for review: 1 day
  • Posting the jobs on various platforms and sourcing candidates: 1 day
  • Reviewing all of the applications and narrowing down a shortlist: 3 days


Interview Process:‍

  • Initial screening interviews: 5 days
  • Technical interviews: 3 days
  • Team interviews: 3 days
  • Final interview with decision-makers: 1 day


Assessment and Review:‍

  • Customized assessments: 3 days
  • Review and evaluation: 1 day


Background Checks and References:‍

  • Criminal background check: 15 days
  • Professional references: 5-10 days
  • Education Verification: 5-10 daysΒ 

Misc: ‍

  • Decision-making meetings with the team: 1 day
  • Offer letter & Contracts: 1 dayΒ 
  • Onboarding Preparations: 2 daysΒ 


πŸ’‘Pro Tip: According to industry data, the recruitment process can take anywhere from 25-45 days, depending on the complexity of the role. However, hiring a dedicated recruiter can potentially cut down the time by 50%, streamlining the process and ensuring efficiency in every stage. Consider this strategic investment to expedite your journey to building a high-quality team.


Step 6: Get Input from Others

Collaboration is key. Consult with hiring managers, HR professionals, and other relevant stakeholders to gather insights and ensure that the budget aligns seamlessly with organizational goals. The input from various perspectives, especially those directly involved in the interview process, can provide valuable insights into the specific needs and expectations for each role. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the budgetary requirements and strategic goals across all facets of the hiring journey.


Step 7: Calculate your Costs-Per-Hire

Cost per hire (CPH) is a key metric needed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment processes. It helps measure the average cost incurred to fill a vacant position. Ensure that you consistently calculate cost per hire across all positions and departments. Use a standardized formula to maintain accuracy and consistency:

Example: If your total Recruiting Costs (Job Boards, Advertisement, Assessment Fees, Background Check Fees, Employee time spent to interview, etc.) amount to $9,000 for two hires, your CPH would be $4,500 per hire.


Step 8: Track and Analyze

Track the cost-per-hire metric over different periods to identify trends. Analyzing trends can help you understand whether your recruitment processes are becoming more cost-effective or if adjustments are needed. Implement a tracking system to monitor actual expenses against the budget. Analyze the outcomes of your recruitment efforts to inform future budgeting decisions.

πŸ’‘Pro Tip: When creating your budget, allocate a percentage – say 10% – as a contingency fund. This buffer can absorb any unanticipated costs, such as sudden changes in market conditions or unforeseen delays in the recruitment process. By proactively including a buffer, you fortify your budget against the uncertainties of the hiring seas, fostering adaptability and resilience.


Tight Budget? Practical Tips to Slash Your Recruitment Costs πŸ’Έβ€

Running a tight ship? We get it. Whether you're a startup navigating your way or an established business with budget constraints, we've got some savvy tips to help you cut those recruitment costs and make the most of your financial resources.


Tip 1: Hire Offshore - Unlock up to 85% Savings!

Navigating a tight budget? Consider the power of Global Hiring. By strategically expanding your talent search beyond local borders, you open doors to substantial salary savings. Imagine cutting salary expenses by up to 85% while paying fair and sustainable salaries. Don't take our word for it; check out our detailed comparison table showcasing the remarkable savings you can achieve.

Tip 2: Streamline with a Recruitment Partner

Recognize that time is money, and the recruitment process involves a series of meticulous steps. Ease your burden and save costs by enlisting the help of a recruitment partner. Here's the kicker – at Virtual Work World, we offer a comprehensive solution. From identifying roles to salary budgeting through assessments, background checks and seamless onboarding, we've got it covered for a flat fee. We’re a one-stop shop for all your global hiring needs.

πŸ’‘Pro Tip: Time is your most valuable asset. Reclaim it, save costs, and elevate your recruitment efforts with Virtual Work World. Contact us today, and let's chart a cost-effective course for your hiring journey.


Stay tuned for the upcoming segments in our Master Guide to Planning and Hiring Top Talent in 2024, where we'll delve into compliant hiring globally, seamless onboarding and training, and more. Your voyage to success continues with Virtual Work World – your trusted navigator for strategic 2024 staffing goals. βš“πŸŒ

